Wednesday, September 5, 2007

very busy week!!

The dossier has officially been sent out!! That means (fingers crossed) we can bring home the girls sometime in December! We have been going crazy trying to get all that together along with my first week of school and my BIRTHDAY! It was amazing I got a beautiful free trade diamond necklace from Africa which I adore. It has the palm print of a diamond worker with a pretty little diamond in the center! I love it because it makes me feel like I can really help others. I also got a juicer, a cuisinart, a pretty dress and a loverly sweater! After my birthday, I think i got the flu or some time of extreme stress tummy sickness so I have been bad and not gone to school for two days. Oh well I still did my homework at least! Also on the baby note, we have decided that Zara is out and now we are considering Ella or Sophie. I love Ella but we are having trouble finding an Ethiopian middle name that flows well. Wish us luck, and for me to stop having a stomach illness!